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Forum Category: Health and Fitness
 Originator Date Posted 

9/1/2010 20:42
Posted By:  - AURORA, IL  
Date Posted: 9/1/2010 20:42
   For sustained cardio, yes the "talk test" is often what people are told to use to make sure they're in the aerobic zone. But it shouldn't be a "I'm sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone" type of easy conversation. You shouldn't be gasping for air, the conversation you are able to have should be at least moderately difficult to maintain. Say you're talking on the phone on the treadmill with a person who has no idea where you are. If that person doesn't say "WTF are you doing anyway? You sound like you're breathing hard!" then you're probably not working at a high enough intensity. The difference for me is simple.
If I'm doing HIIT, I am completely unable to say more than a one or two word response during the high intensity interval. When I do regular cardio I can carry a conversation If someone decides to come chat with me (which I HATE btw....helloooo....a little busy here??) but the conversation is not easy peasy....it takes some effort. So the lady who's got her treadmill speed set to 2.5 mph and it takes each leg 5 seconds to make one stride and she's reading her entire
Woman's Day magazine....no, sorry. I just don't call that cardio. Maybe if someone has physical limitations
So severe that they cannot perform as a normal healthy adult...then, fine. They do what their doctor or therapist prescribes. But for a normal, healthy adult....
You gotta heat it up a bit.

I truly believe that most of the people who claim that they spend 5-7 days in the gym but see no results
Just don't have their diet where it needs to be.
If the diet is only so-so, then the results of your training will be so-so.
And psychologically people tend to think "well I worked out today. I can eat this pint of ice cream..."
Nuh uhh!!

; )

Just my 2 cents.

Mrs. Jen

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