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   Bisexuality and Homophobia in the Lifestyle  

6/29/2016 23:01
Posted By:  - TULSA, OK  
Date Posted: 6/29/2016 23:01
   Erotic, I think you are missing the point and this was not an argument just an observation made when both couples bowed out. My main point is that it would be easy to lie and go back in the closet. Wait three months and no would be the wiser. However, since I have already taken a very large step to come out there is no turning back. I spent 25 years in the Army and had to stay hidden and refrain from any bisexual contact due to the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy. There used to be a time in the military that anyone suspected of being gay or bisexual, were investigated for violating the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. If there was sufficient evidence to believe the military member was guilty they were given a less than honorable discharge and had a criminal record for the next 44 years. This was before the Clinton policy. How do I know all of this I was one of those people assigned to investigate the alleged misconduct. The DADT policy allowed my organization to no longer required to investigate any allegations of consensual same sex acts. I hid who I am out of fear of rejection, and fear of being dismissed from the military. At this point lying is not an option. I am who I am. If potential partners are homophobic then so be it. You cannot stop anyone from bringing their own value system, theor own sexual preferences, prejudices, and ignorance to this lifestyle no more than to any other group or activity. The straight male half can justify in their own mind that since they are not having direct contact with another male then they are comfortable. Even though we all know that there is definitely more bisexual activities happening between the two or more males if there in same room, same bed, and swapping back and forth. There is a significant amount of subtle and not so subtle activities that I would consider to be bisexual. If a straight male really wanted to think about it then it would either be a revelation that may be not full on bisexual but certainly bi friendly.

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