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   Loading up at the buffet at a club/eating before play time  

1/21/2018 12:59
Posted By:  - MIAMI, FL  
Date Posted: 1/21/2018 12:59
   Some can eat and fuck. Some can eat and only sleep. Some can do both. We like to eat and have fun. Fuck later.

If one turned on the regular lights at the backrooms/playrooms, even at places like the Trap in Ft. Lauderdale, say around 11pm, you just may never want to go there again. Likely feels like using the same condom 2-3 times. At the old Trap, there were some lovely ladies that would change the sheets every time a private room was vacated. Not any more.

Anyone remember the episode of 2 1/2 men where Charlie's mother got married, but then he died in Charlie's bed? When the police came, they used a special fantasy light that showed in the dark where there was semen on the sheets. In Charlie's case, not only on the sheets, the walls, the ceiling. That is our vision of those backroom/playrooms at lifestyle clubs that do not change sheets.

Again to each their own, but you have heard of sloppy seconds? Well there can be sloppy sheets. why do that when there are hotels nearby, or some other place that would be much cleaner?

As we stated before, it has been many years since we ventured to the back area of any club, we prefer a cleaner environment.

Again as stated before, we go to a club like the Trap to have a nice dinner, see people we know, dance, laugh and be merry. No intention of getting naked. Someone's home, a nice hotel, all much better. So what is wrong with that? The thought that those going through the buffet are somehow going to flatulate themselves all night is silly. Why go to a vanilla club? We like the atmosphere of most lifestyle clubs, you do not have to get laid to make it a good night. With a choice, a lifestyle club anytime, different mentality of patrons. If someone is bothered by that, they were not your/our type anyway.

If you need to get laid at a lifestyle club, go for it, but remember those sheets. Holy sheet!

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