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Question: Insecurities about my man's profession

Dear Lounge Advice, My boyfriend and I have been together for about 4 and a half years now... He is an amazing music producer and works with all sorts of artists in the industry. We have been in the lifestyle since we have been together. When we arent apart in the past there have been times when women would hit on him really hard, ( not just light flirtation) and has with held that information, and or has lied to me about it ever even happening. We came to an agreement when we began dating that being open and honest with one another was the best way to be, and would bring us a wonderful and happy relationship with no issues. Recently , he got an oppurtunity to work with a very high profile artist in Beverly hills. All of my insecurities at that point surfaced and all of my doubts and remembering him not being honest with me came back to this present situation , all of my insecure feelings came back as well, and I wondered if he would be honest with me if the chick hit on him or anything along those lines. I asked him out of respect if he would please be honest with me if anything happened. He said that he wouldnt even say he is in a relationship and he would proceed to tell the person that he was working with "lets make millions of dollars before we go that way with eachother" If she put sexual advances on him... My question is, Am I so wrong for wanting him to say to that person that he is in a long term relationship ? and respect our situation? Or am I just overreacting? HELP! I really need advice on this... thank you



Dear (Anonymous),

He needs to admit that he's in a relationship, period. This whole nonsense about not disclosing his status- What possible legitamite reason could he have for that other than *wanting* to be hit on?

C'mon dude. Man up.
Please assert yourself with him.
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